What is Himalayan pink salt?

Himalayan pink salt originates from Pakistan and is extracted from the Khewra salt mine which is the second largest of its kind in the world. It’s pure shite, reddish or pink in color with large crystals. Now a pertinent question that most people would ask is what’s so special about Himalayan salt? It’s salt right? For starters, even to the untutored the salt would appear unlike common table salt because of its overall consistency and color.
Himalayan SaltHimalayan Salt
But how’s it superior to table salt that we use? The common table salt we use is derived from sea water which is highly prone to contamination and even after extraction might retain residual harmful properties. Himalayan salt on the other hand is found in deposits which are thousands if not millions of years old and remain free of all ambient pollution and its effects. Compared to ordinary salt its rich in other trace minerals as well such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, copper and iron. 

Himalayan salt benefits: 

Owing to its rich constituent mineral composition (over 84 minerals and trace elements), The health benefits of Himalayan salt has various immensely properties for human health such as:

  1. Extremely useful for balancing electrolytes in the bath body.
    Himalayan salt is pivotal for harmonizing electrolytes in the body. It stabilizes pH balance in the cells and brain. It’s a very good idea to adopt Himalayan salt as cooking salt to reap this benefit. 

  2. Himalayan bath salt benefits - Therapeutic for the skin. 
    Just as consuming this salt is advisable, placing Himalayan salt blocks in your bath water is therapeutic for the skin. The skin gets cleansed of harmful toxins when it’s regularly washed with water containing Himalayan salt. It gives the skin a smooth supple look with a natural and healthy glow. It can also alleviate skin rashes and other superficial blemishes of the skin.

  3. A natural gift for prevention of kidney and gall bladder stones 
    Everyone knows the old proverb “prevention is better than the cure”, Himalayan salt is known to dissolve the sediment which can accumulate and assume the form of kidney and gall bladder stones.
  4. Himalayan salt a natural and potent aphrodisiac.  
    here are people who spent significant amount of money to acquire synthetic and artificially made libido stimulants. Most of these have adverse effects on the human anatomy and are only beneficial for a very short span of time. Himalayan salt is a naturally occurring and potent aphrodisiac and plays a vital role in maintaining and enhancing libido without any of the harmful and long lasting side effects associated with its synthetic counterparts.  

 Incorporating the usage of Himalayan salt in your daily routine is highly recommended!

5/23/2019 02:15:42 am

Himalayan salt also purify the air in your room where it exist. Himalayan salt lamp heats effects on the dust in air.

3/8/2022 09:39:49 pm

You have listed quite a nice list of how Himalayan salt can change the game for all of us. I want to share a company who helps me with keeping my health in check. "Himalayan Rock Salts". https://himalayanrocksalts.com.au They have rock salt lamps that, in particular, makes me feel relaxed especially in meditation. Once again, thanks!

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